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Showing posts with the label How to

How to find a nice domain name

This article is not written for Elon Musk or Seth Godin  I am supposing you are a nice person with some necessary bad qualities and a beginner like I was sometimes back, now I am starter.... and a bad fellow... urghhh .... Are you looking to take your business online? Or you have a business and want to sell on internet and looking to make your first website. You already have a thought and may be list of very nice domain names that sound cool. Suddenly you see a competitor in Bill Gates. That's exciting. Wait a minute, before taking a very nice hot and cool domain name. You mean business and more business through internet. What is that exciting name, is it associates with you? I bet it's not. You are betting for a dot com with that honorable word in the oxford pocket dictionary. What is plan of selling, how you going to tell people that they can order for your product online? You will start telling right? First in person I suppose. And you will expect them ...

How to stay away from toxic people in business

Business whether small, medium or large need pool of network. You need to be friend with everyone and foe with none. But in practice you need to enlarge your friendship aka client base and lessen the number of toxic people around you. No matter how hard you try, while doing business, you will meet people toxic to you. That one irritating guy could be any, an office colleague, a vendor or supplier or client. Of these a client if toxic done much damage. But you need to welcome every client. And there is no set rule to identify a negative client till you not work together. So remedy is set your rules and stick to them. Here are 5 points: 1. Listen your client what he / she want. Next ask to put his / her needs in writing. 2. Some clients shows like they are doing charity by asking you for work, they are always over demanding. Say no to such people. A polite no. 3. Tell your client clearly what you can offer and stick to it. 4. Some clients start asking extras midway of a project. S...

How to transfer ownership of a Facebook Page?

Mergers and Acquisitions makes business world dynamic. The largest example to this I have seen when Marissa Mayer joined Yahoo Inc. The girl is really rocking with her excellent business strategies. Today most of the businesses have Facebook Page for company / organization. When someone acquires a business, owner also wants to get control on Facebook Page so as to take old customers along. Here is how to transfer Facebook Page ownership.

How to make Posters and Flyers free with DesignCap

DesignCap Lets You Create High-Quality Posters and Flyers for Free DesignCap is a web service that offers hundreds of templates, thousands of photographs, clip art, fonts, and shape. All are free of charge. You can easily create posters or flyers for all purposes such as the advertisement, sales, wedding ceremonies, events, holidays by using templates. You can change the arrangement of objects by drag & drop, and intuitively customize your design with easy-to-use editing tools.

How to write a blog post title?

Post title is something,  looking at which your audience will say, Yuck or Yeh. Yuck means a reader is feeling cheated by you and search engine, he is desperate,  furious,  and angry.  Next he will pick phone and dial yellow pages.  An Yeh means he will read your pages,  remember your website name and if he is kind enough will subscribe to your email list.  So,  how to write an 'yeh I get it' blog post title? 1. Include top primary keyword in your post title 2. Including a signal like how,  why,  top,  a number or a verb. 3. Relate your top keyword with signal 4. Add necessary adjectives.  5. Keep it free from punctuation  6. Review your post title.  7. Edit and keep it short and simple,  easy to understand by a 3rd grader.  Are you ready now.  Take your ass to work. 

How to install security certificate for custom domain in Google Blogger

Google Blogger is my den of productivity since years. My first blog attracted huge traffic for years. And do you know this traffic was coming from only one single page. I love to blog on blogspot because while Google Engineers work on blackened I can focus on one thing I love to do i.e. writing. Encrypted Secure connection was a big thing in the past but now its not a luxury. Google has rolled out https for custom domain for Indian bloggers. Encryption was available for Blogspot bloggers since years but not for those hosting a custom domain. Now its there.

1 solid way to fail miserably

Want to fail in exams? Do not study. Want to fail in business? Do not speak. Want to fail in relationship? Do not care Want to fail in friendship? Do not share. Want to fail in getting rich? Do not give. Want to fail in being famous? Do not work. Want a failed health? Do not bother. Want to fail as a person? Do not take responsibility. See the power of NOT. How solid is it?

How to Make a Logo for School Using DesignEvo

With more than millions icons, 3000+ delicate logo templates, and straightforward interface, DesignEvo allows you to make a stunning school logo in a quick and fun way. If you are already have something in mind, start your logo design from scratch. Otherwise, browsing its already made templates to be inspired. Here I start the logo design from a template.

How to write SEO Articles

Just now I came across a question over my Facebook timeline 'how to write seo articles' I am little confused whether person is asking about SEO niche articles or articles in any niche those can boost website SEO. I feel other way round, person is asking to later. The way SEO is understood among 50% of internet population I would call it SEO clutter. Google the largest search engine tried every bit and pieces to protect internet from SEO dump, they have penalized websites for Bad SEO Links. But clutter is limitless. SEO articles are commonly taken as dump, write anything and spread it over internet to get back links which is a bad practice. Bad especially for those who count on Internet for doing business and make a living.

How to verify a potential client

Being a freelancer is tough. You need to meet new people daily and convince them to buy / subscribe your services. Finding a customer a truly difficult and convincing one to work with you is really tough. You put all your energies to explain your new customer your worth. At the end of the day if you are hired then it’s not the celebration time indeed time to put all your efforts to make your customer happy. What if at the end of the day after doing all work you are not paid? This thing can happen to anyone you / me / other freelancers. According to a survey 70% freelancers are unpaid worldwide. This also includes me and perhaps you too!

How to display Featured Post in Blogger Blog

Featured Post Are you blogspot blogger? Did you already published thousands of post and it has rich archive? Do you want to display an old post on your home page? has enabled Featured Post Gadget for your blog. Now you can display a Hot Post from your archive in the side bar, header or footer zone of your blogger blog. Here is how to add featured post in a blogspot blog?

How To Create Subheading For Blog Posts In Blogger

Posts are easily readable when crafted under multiple heads and Indexed in Search Results. Here is how to write a blog post in many subheads in Blogger CMS? It is often said, audience come on Internet for scanning through feeds. Only very few, read posts, word to word. Majority of your readers are not novice. They come to Internet, search for things, take ideas quickly and go. A blog post written under multiple subheads is more engaging, easy to quick scan and much informative. Create value not dump.

Why blog post description matters in SEO?

How to write blog post description and why it is so important for good SEO rank? People find your blog posts through Search Engines. For a given search query search robot throws out millions of results. Many scans maximum 2/3 pages of search result to find a product or service. In case if desired results are not met, they hit search for alternate keywords. Search Engine display 3 characteristics of a blog page in search result: 1. Title Headline, 2. Page URL and 3 Search Description.

How to create a list of Interesting pages on Facebook?

Don’t want to miss on a Facebook Feed? Add pages to FB Interests List, Keep them in a Category.  Facebook is youngsters’ paradise; easy to connect and cheap data plans makes it even easier being less costly. Mobile companies’ offers special Facebook top up recharges suitable for every pocket, especially younger buddies. Facebook is a place on internet to meet like minded people across the border. Stay connected is the mantra. It’s marketers den; every marketer turns up to Facebook meeting customers and sharing success stories. I have pages on facebook like (For Students, Job Seekers, Parents and Teachers); and (for Website Owners, Webmasters and Business Managers), and you can follow all my posts via

How to Customize Blog Post URL in Blogger

Here is great news for blogger who publishes blog on blogspot blog. Now you can customize your blogger blog post URL very much in same way it was available for wordpress blog publishers. Till now your blogger blog post title was turning into your post URL, but now google has gone an extra mile to fetch you some SEO juice. The facility is available via blogger in draft and not through usual blogger panel. Hope the full version will be rolled out soon. To post a blog post in with customized post url you can log on to

Blogger Custom Domain For Hostgator

Blogging is fun; a tried and tested method to reach to your audience and earn money. This article is about how customize blogger domain say to, given your domain is register with Go through the following steps and customize your blogger blog now. Log on to Under Our Services tab find Domain Names; this is a link, click on it. A new page will open. At the top right look for Manage Your Domain heading. Below it Enter your domain name which you wish to host on blogger. Enter your Password

How to use NR ATVMs?

Indian Railway is divided over 16 zones; the Northern Railway (NR) is one of them. According to wikipedia article the northern railways is 6807 km long. The buzz is that …. The northern railway has launched Automatic Ticket Vending Machines, ATVMs. So next time when you plant to travel in a northern railway train aka lauh path gami – hindi for train use ATM like ATVM to get your ticket. This automatic ticketing system surely will give some relief to passengers from standing in long queues and will generate some added revenue to the railways. So it’s a win-win situation for both the consumer and the (elephant) railways. Here is little basic etiquette which if you follow other will learn related using ATVMs at different stations. 1. Northern railways has enough passenger load, kindly reach to railways platform well before time of train arrival so you won’t get in hurry for withdrawing ticket from an ATVM. 2. Be in queue, respect the fellow passenger, who ahead in the queue. 3...