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Showing posts with the label Blogging

How to chose your blogging niche

Mathematics is not for everyone. See, what I said in the first statement. And thought came at random. I am not sure but its perhaps due to my close association with academics. I am blogging since years, created many blogs and even killed some that too good earning blog. I can't go in those details in this post but I killed as a 'test', anyone would call me a mad, no blogger will kill an earning blog but I did that. I love doing experiments and did that for my own reasons... details may be sometime later. If you are planning to build a blog do not do it because you are inspired by success of Mashable, that won't lead you to anywhere. On the internet there are millions of blogs published by companies and individuals like Leo Notenboom, an expert of computer security. Before you start a blog look what interests you. I worked for many years as Gig worker. But when I found something techy I read that first holding work and loosing money. When you work hourly you are paid for

Why landing page is a must for your blog

Convert … Convert … Convert… If you are not converting your blog traffic, if your audiences are not asking you to write more and if they are not downloading your ebooks, then you are not blogging it right. Without conversion blogging is purposeless. Blogging is most popular means of saying your words to public, getting attention and generating leads. Often many bloggers fail in converting traffic; sometimes they do not create a landing page or do it very casually. Result; very low level of conversion or none at all. Half of the bloggers are a fail because of purpose less blogging.

Shall I moderate blog comments

Perhaps you run a blog or you planning to have one up. You want more and more comment to build some links. Right? Everyone want. But the problem begins when you leave open comment section to everyone, so anyone can come and write a comment. Normally people start spamming. This trend i have seen across all websites on Internet. So if you want to get some quality links moderate every comment. Be honest to yourself. Publish a comment if its worth else do away with it. A bad quality link or content on your site is like a parasite. Keep your blog clean of spams. Nobody likes those unwanted threads. To say a no is better than yes.

How do I get my blog posts on top of Search Engine Results

Every blogger want to be seen on top of Google Search Engine Result Pages also called SERPs. This is digital era. Writing a blog and not seen on SERPs is very much like leaving the money on table. This is pain point of many bloggers and gain point for SEO companies. If you have written a blog post or planning for it and want to be seen on search results here are some points to consider 10 tips to show your blog posts on top of search engine result pages (serps) 1. Your post idea is great. Ask yourself, what problem this post is going to solve? 2. Write for the audience. Massive content is generated every minute. From observations I know average user stays on a webpage for less than a minute. A very small population truly read whole post, normally people look for key points. Instead of reading thoroughly people quick scan through a post. Write in bulleted points or numbered points. 3. Give references. Perhaps, you are an expert in your field but without references people are les

6 Skills you need for successful blogging

Many small things when put together grow big. Nothing is born big. Small things has the power to grow its natural arrangement. Ever heard a newborn weight 60 kilos, atleast not in humans, right? If you are planning to start a blog you need couple of skills I am describing here. 1. Coding skills: Whatever platform you chose,  even a complete automatic platform,  for making your blog successful you need to understand codes. 2. Interaction design: Do you spend time in a dirty place? No,  never, right?  Audience will like to flip through your blog if it's fun to engage and not a boring bundle. 3. Writing skills: Whatever niche you chose,  good writing essential for a blog.  It's same like good air is essential for living beings. 4. SEO skills: You need to right amount of keywords in right permutation and combination. Know what people search and tell search engine through tags,  description and URL. Search engine can serve only when you will tell it. Search robot is like a wait

How I manage to achieve 16K plus page views on my blog

I blog for living. Sometime I make good money, sometime non at all. 2017 was not a good year for my writing or better I say was least productive due to various reasons. However, writing is only thing that I do, be it writing text books as ghost author or guest blogging for one of my clients or may be writing this blog or answering career questions over

9 Essential Blog Plugins For Great User Experience

A blog is great medium to serve fodder to your audience. Use some opium in the fodder, as Guy Kawasaki Tweeted recently Customers: Keep them coming back (add a little opium to their noodles) Plugins if integrated correctly with blog, works like opium in fodder for customers.  Remember, more eyes on your blog means better reputation and better web rank. Here are 9 awesome plugins to build Great User Experience and ultimate SEO success. Social Media Plugin: O wow, this blogger is just great, I want to read again. Give your audience easy to bookmark social media plugins. Add Share button below posts and along the side bar / in the bottom end of your blog. Make subscription easy.

How to choose blog domain in Blogger?

Blogging in blogger is easy and fun; its cost effective too. If you can invest in a decent domain name, better, if not, then also you can blog. Only difference is your blog domain will be a sub domain over blogger. A free blog address in blogger appear like, where abc is your choose domain name.

How to choose blog title?

Writing a blog title is easy, you can look around internet for similar websites and write one as it is or create a mix from couple of them. However, choosing a correct blog title is not simple task. This is field your blog that  should be recognized across internet community. So before you write your blog title do some basics.