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Showing posts from May 30, 2018

Is effortless good?

Back in Y ear 2000 I visited my hometown to stay over a month and study without worrying for rent. This was a rash decision. I didn't made anything fruitful for whatsoever reasons. I read somewhere a quote by Sir JRD TATA nothing worth while ever achieved without deep thought and hard work. If I look back over my life, I observe, perhaps I didn't not get everything everytime. But at times I've gotten many things effortlessly that matters most. But I miserly missed on thing, on taking care of the things, despite knowing this is most valued asset in my life. Surprisingly all those things came my way effortlessly, atleast I have not made any special efforts. No, I never taken things for granted but I did a mistake, mistake of not focusing on the things I have indeed focusing on other areas where most of the energies drained out. On the worst side, I questioned if this thing is right for me what if this turn bad next day. I didn't enjoyed the goodness today indeed fo...