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Showing posts with the label SERPs

SEO or Audience???

Study competitor keywords to win the SEO is most popular myth on the Internet. It could be one technique to win over your competitor but not the whole strategy. SEO market is full of keyword, many of the companies miserably fail in audience research. The noise around Keyword research is so loud that business managers missed out on the main thing; i.e. what users want? I am not against keyword research, many companies win the SERPs game by focusing on SEO keywords but fail in generating sales.They feel appearing on top of searches will win the customers. However, true SEO is, study of audience needs and then working those pain points. To know what your audience wants, reach them and ask. Understand your customers pain points. Then address those issues, make the SEO points your title keywords, meta description, keywords and tags Time have changed now. Today audience get everything without asking. Google search is still good business in inventory but I doubt if this is equally good as...