They say, first impression is the last. I would say every impression matters. Let's understand it this way You visited a tea shop, got your beverage and drank it. Wow, this was so refreshing. Didn't you felt good? Didn't you told your friends? Didn't you think of to revisit the same tea shop again? Of course you did. Next you visited the same tea shop again hoping to buy some feel good factor over a cup of tea. Sadly this time tea was cold, no aroma and only added sugar. How you felt? Didn't you asked the tea vendor to change your cup? Didn't you complained? Of course you did. Tea vendor changed your beverage too. But are you likely to revisit the shop again? Perhaps you are least likely to visit. Same thing is true with you business emails and any any email. A perfectly written email tells the reader about a perfect you. An email with errors clearly shows either you do not know how to do things or bother least about others. Why soomeone sha...
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