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Showing posts from April 3, 2020

Work from home; pleasure or pain

Work from home, be your own boss, set your own work hours, earn unlimited is all myth and less reality. There are two categories of work from home, 1. when you hired on a permanent role and 2. When you hired as a contract employee. Under both heads you must need to 'over promise and over deliver', an employer would expect you to deliver as much as you can and nothing wrong in this, you have to perform in best of your capacities to give the best results. When you work from home chances of losing your work maximizes if you think nobody is watching, work speaks in itself. If you will steal time or won't work up to your maximum capacity, the employer will know and you will be fired anytime. When you decide to work from home, make sure you will do a little extra. This also holds true when you go office and work eight hours. But when you work at your own space where nobody is on your head asking progress responsibilities exceeds. When working from home, do not take responsibility...