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Showing posts with the label Earn Money

7 ways to earn money from writing

If you are good in a subject, it could be any, if your previous knowledge was so scary, if you get better everyday, then writing could be your business choice. Internet has converted writing into a graveyard, I am sorry to say this, but today everyone is a writer. However, writing is not about copying from here and there and rephrasing, writing is not about everything perfect. Many beginners seeking job suddenly start claiming that they are a writer, if this is the case please stop reading. I don't want you to read my article. Writing is something that comes from within, no not like a love at first sight, indeed, when you question, when you ask too many questions around something and seek for answer then that could be your area of interests. You can put your thoughts on a doc. If you think, can I start writing as business, go one step back and ask what are the questions I ask to myself everyday and those questions belongs to where, nature, politics, technology, unknown, family or...

Why Responsive Ads can be earning mills in 2018

More people are going mobile. Now Smarthones are used for complicated tasks like writing or even designing and recording videos and podcasts. Smartphones have touched every life, even those living below average life also carry a smartphone, not an Apple or Nexus but may be a Honor Holy or below or a smartphone from a local manufacture.