If you ask me personally I like basic phones because a basic mobile I can carry easily in my back pocket and even I don't need to pull out of pocket when need to sit temporarily. A basic phone I can easily hold in my fist. But that luxury is no more available to me. With some hesitation I considered to buy a smartphone within budget and counted Honor Holly 3. It has a 3GB RAM and 32 GB ROM. My phone is often connected with my brand old Samsung Laptop. Often use cable for connecting phone network to laptop. On a scale of 10 I would rate cable connectivity 7plus. While connecting through WiFi, I rate it 7. Because I do not take much photos so storage capacity is quite enough for me. I keep cleaning my phone memory periodically. Processor speed is good. In my opinion it stands 6plus on a scale of 10. However, my phone is running almost 50 apps at a time and 5/6 of those are in continuous use. Often my blog app, Twitter,...
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