Often non serious people quote the said headline because they are unsure about their business and own skills. So you do not become the next victim of misinformation here is this article. Well, you are popular on social media, perhaps you have hundreds of followers and still counting. You draws whole world attention. And you feel, why build a website when I can sale my products using social media. And its free too. Social Media has gone viral because its free. Many have made good use of it and made pretty good income during rise of social media. Those were the times when social media worked for social media. But nothing is permanent so does not social media. If you remember Orkut or ask someone senior to you what was this and you will know the answer. There was time when everyone found Orkuting. But now you can't see it. I see social media as Weed Grass, why, because it grows on its own, you just need to show up and it will expand. And remember weed grass is not useful. My bel...
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