You are a budding writer and your work must need to be read to earn you livelihood accompanied with name and fame in writing circle and around. Being writer is not easy, when you write, your words prints and goes public. People follow your ABCs, you have to be extremely cautious before penning the script. This is what separates good writers from bad writers. Precisely speaking, there exist no bad writers; only good and better. Being a writer you have to polish your skills and upgrade your knowledge on continuous basis. You need to be avid reader. This not mean good reader makes good writers, rather if you have writing instincts, read a lot. Read everything, that comes your way, this makes vocabulary richer, a must for rich writing. Know your fellow writers; those who write for same domain aka readers to whom you target; read their creations. Identify why a writer among your readers group is most loved, is it because of script, language fluency or cheap price of books. In most ...
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