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Showing posts with the label QnA

SEO or Audience???

Study competitor keywords to win the SEO is most popular myth on the Internet. It could be one technique to win over your competitor but not the whole strategy. SEO market is full of keyword, many of the companies miserably fail in audience research. The noise around Keyword research is so loud that business managers missed out on the main thing; i.e. what users want? I am not against keyword research, many companies win the SERPs game by focusing on SEO keywords but fail in generating sales.They feel appearing on top of searches will win the customers. However, true SEO is, study of audience needs and then working those pain points. To know what your audience wants, reach them and ask. Understand your customers pain points. Then address those issues, make the SEO points your title keywords, meta description, keywords and tags Time have changed now. Today audience get everything without asking. Google search is still good business in inventory but I doubt if this is equally good as...

Why freelancers must pay taxes

Full Time Freelancers are found in every sphere. Of those few make real good business while other strive. Failure rate in freelancing is pretty, i suppose more than 90%. Freelancing demands for over promise and over delivery. Majority of freelancers do not fall in tax bracket, paying taxes and then filling return and that too claiming 100% return looks just idiotic task. But hold a minute, its not that way. Chose to pay advance tax whether your income is taxable or not. When you pay advance tax, its like lending the money for the use of expenditure. Government will use this money till you file and claim return. Of course there is a set deadline to file income tax return. If your income is not taxable you can claim for 100% refund. This way you will contribute to national development. In addition, government will also recognize you as responsible person. If you are a full time freelancer ITR is a document that shows you work, it works same like salary slip does. ITR also required wh...

How many Quora answer shall I write daily

More answers means more popularity,  RIGHT ? I would say,  WRONG! If you are asking this question I am pretty sure you are looking for lead generation using Quora. More answers certainly get more links but not more leads. People want to meet expert who can solve their problem and not someone who create noise only. Experts speak less,  they do not speak till they cannot conclude a thing superbly. Speaking is one thing but systematic speaking comes with continuous learning,  systematic experiments,  deep thought process and willing to solve a problem. Solving a problem needs loads of mind work,  without rigorous mental work out you won't give away any answers that may solve a problem. Take example of Seth Godin,  he writes one blog post a day,  in very limited words and gives lots of learning. Sir Richard Branson,  LinkedIn Influencer, writes often,  he writes his own blog and sums up things beautifully. LeoNotenboom writes how to...

How I earned money from Quora

I sold my time answering questions at Quora.  If I can so you can.  Way back in August 2016 I was urgently looking for a client to make some money and pay my bills. I often use email marketing to reach to potential customers.  I filtered my email and found an email where client said to get back to me later.  I followed up the communication and emailed again asking if there is any work.  This time reply came like,  yes,  can you answer questions over Quora. Next phone conversation happened.  Requirement was to answer questions around copy writing,  seo and social media marketing.  Next come budget in question.  Since this was some consultant who was outsourcing work to me,  price was obviously low,  but not bad.  I got set for Rs. 2500 per month other than weekends. I received 50% upfront. In freelancing we need to over deliver not only one,  two or three times but 10 times more.  I answered 3 to 5 questi...

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Do you have a question around Web Production? I am here to help you with questions related following areas of Web Production Copy Writing Content Writing Content Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Management (SMM) Social Media Optimization (SMO) On Page SEO / Off Page SEO Blogging BlogSpot Blogging WordPress Blogging Online Business and Management EBook Publishing Advertising Career Questions and Answers