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Hi, this is DK (as nicknamed by the industry). I am proud to work with many clients in different niches under various capacities. Thanks to all those who imposed trust in me; that's the reason I am truly existing till date. You can view my services page for details. 

I started working as web producer in the year 2002. After working 7 years in full time role, i switched to work on contract. This allows me to think freely and write during hours of the day when my mind is most productive. 

I write my blog around education and job; write technical articles here at around Writing, Technology, Social Media, SEO and Blogging.

To make my living I play with computers, research around huge databases on Internet and work on demand for many customers across the globe. I am a good researcher that people says.

Here is the small list of my clients with whom either I am working or worked in past.

1. Pragati Infosoft Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (Job: Web Architecture, Content Writing, Copy Writing, Academic Writing, SEO, Forum Moderator, Media Manager): These are special customer to me. I worked for them full time before leaving office in 2007, while on hunt for new contracts I approached them again and CEO of the company whole heartily welcomed me with new assignments on contract basis.

2. Khurmis Publishing Group, New Delhi (Job: Academic Writing, Technical Writing, Editing, Research; Question Bank Preparation): Very Special Customer, Worked with Groups Managing Director Dr. RS Khurmi a well known authority in India for Applied Mechanics and Strength of Materials. Proud doing loads of manuscripts for them.

3. Crescent Events, New Delhi (Copy Writing): Sunny is a wonderful customer, very decent guy, despite awesome background he is very down to earth. I am sure nobody can forget him.

4. OJ SEO, New Delhi (Job: SEO Writing): Good guy, faster payment.

5. 3Q Services Services, Delhi (Job: Article Writing): Nice Gentleman I worked with.

6. Bannus Technologies, Hyderabad (Job: Reference Style Writing): Very knowledgeable customer

7.  Narola InfoTech, Gujarat (Copy Writing): Special Customer who keep to his words.

8. A to Z eBook Conversion, Pondicherry (Job: Copy Writing, Content Writing, SEO): I had cool experience working with these guys.

9. B3 Multimedia, Ireland (Job: SEO Article Writing, Copy Writing ): Wonderful guy to work with.

10. Almora Consultants, Ireland (Job: SEO Article Writing, Copy Writing): Very supporting personality.

11. Zeddes Social Media, Qatar (Job: Copy Writing, Content Writing, SEO, Social Media Management): Very special customer to me; Venkat, the group owner is just another friend anybody will like to work again.

12. TheDealCutters.Com, USA (Job: Copy Writing): Very loyal customer, Ericka understands the real value of copy writer.

13. Bloomer Digital, UK (Job: SEO Writing). Wonderful human being, anybody will like work again for them.

14. KeyStrokesManagement, Kolkata, India (Copy Writing, Content Writing, SEO): I met Abhijit through PPH; very good person, appreciates good work and faster in payment. He work with me outside PPH too.

15., Mumbai: (Job: Technical Writing): It was a nice experience to work for They always appreciate good work.

16. YourRavi.Com (Job: Technical Writing): Though I worked only few articles for this blog, but to be true 'Ravi' is such a great guy, you will always learn a thing or two from him.

17. TechOneMedia (Job: Technical Writing; SEO): Nice customer to work with.

18. Spider Network, Kerala:, Indiastudychannel, StudyVillage, IndiaTravelBlog,,, (Technical Writing, Academic Writing, SEO Writing, Editing, Reviewing): Working with people of Spider Group is truly great experience. 

19. IndiaOnline : Content Strategist and Technical Writer for Shiksha Project; World Education Network

20. Relativity Management Solution: Content Consultant and Writer

I am Channel Partner with For all type of advertising enquiries drop me an email ( and we will set a time for disucssion.

Thanks to CEOs and Business Managers with whom i worked in the past and working presently!

Do you have a job? Hire Me!

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