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Showing posts with the label Advertising

In App or Social Media Advertising

How would you spend advertising budget and prepare for online business? Online business will be tomorrows reality. Still its in the beginning phase, often you do not go online to order a packet of milk or a chocolate till its not for an occasion. Few people do that but because of certain limitations, perhaps can't go to buy often or its too much of work. But when it matters to buy a thing people want to touch it before they sell hard money on the same. AI, VI, AR, VR all came ahead of time but these technologies are timely help in the times of pandemic, COVID 19. Ecommerce companies still not using too much of those techniques but in future they will look to go with such things that involve less human interaction and make lives better. World will be looking to count on more human independent technologies, I feel so. Online business was much like a billboard till date specially in geographies like India but now it will be a marketplace full of crowd. And certainly there would be hel...

How paid advertising is important for professionals

Are you looking for leads through content marketing, are you individual who don't have a team? Do you not have budget to hire quality writers? If yes then this article is useful for you. Content marketing is all about educating your consumers, You need to write lots of useful content and share with your potential clients. You need to reach to everyone. Organic traffic has high value, search engine values it, readers values it. When your blog appears in the top 10 for a search query readers notice it. But in today's world all readers do not go for search instead they ask friends, asking is a habit. Perhaps you have seen people on traffic lights with Google Maps running on mobile and still they ask someone hey, where this address falls. Human answer give driver an assurance that he/she is driving in right direction. Your blog need to be seen by many. If you are a professional, a service provider, a consultant or someone who sales a product and look for consumers online. All you...

5 ways to free advertise your brand

For beginners it's pretty tough to spend on advertising. Especially if you are on small budget putting an advertising budget seems near impossible. But you have to begin somewhere. To help you is advertising without spending here are couple of ways you may find interesting. 1. List your business in local city directory. If you want to sell or offer a service in an Indian city listing in a local city directory might be helpful. The is one such directory. It has dedicated state and city portals around all Indian cities. You can chose your city and get listed for free. You can upgrade to premium anytime. 2. Join social media groups. Chose any social media with which your business gel well. For example if you are selling fashion products go to Instagram. Groups are one good way to promote your product. Normally group members are active people with large number of fan followings. You can request group members to give a shout out to your business. 3. Join review fo...

Where to spend online advertising budget in 2018

Google and Facebook are now the dominant middlemen for more than 85% of all online advertising. (Source Seth Godin's Blog ) Planning to advertise your business online?  What is you daily / weekly / monthly advertising budget?  Whether you are a big corporate or small vendor putting all eggs in one single basket may be a risk to you business. You need to distribute your advertising budget wisely. Google and Facebook are two dominant online mediums,  there is everyone.  Whether you have built your tribe on these platforms or elsewhere certainly you won't like to missout on large pool of audience. So how much you will spend where? Google has more advertising streams than Facebook. Adwords without doubt is No. 1 Online Advertising Media. If you have big budget I would recommend that your should locate 50% of your advertising  budget on these two platforms and remaining 50% over other. Adwords has upper hand. Perhaps you will like to spend much on words.  ...

Why Responsive Ads can be earning mills in 2018

More people are going mobile. Now Smarthones are used for complicated tasks like writing or even designing and recording videos and podcasts. Smartphones have touched every life, even those living below average life also carry a smartphone, not an Apple or Nexus but may be a Honor Holy or below or a smartphone from a local manufacture.

6 ways Startups can build Brand value on low budget

Brand Building is not about selling more but building trust in community. It’s not only about being trusted among your customers or clients. The really trusted brands get more customers through referrals those have nothing much to do with that product or a service. Winning customers’ loyalty is one thing, but setting an example of being trusted is something that comes with loads of true efforts. People believe in your brand more when they know there are strong supporting hands behind. Here are 5 tips to make your brand popular: