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Showing posts from May 1, 2012

Surf the Web in Trains without Wireless Data Card

Are you frequent railway traveler and entrepreneur? Here is news to rejoice; now you can extract more juice from your railway journey. The buzz is that … the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has given nod to Indian Railways for use of Satellite’s KU Band Frequency in moving trains.

How to use NR ATVMs?

Indian Railway is divided over 16 zones; the Northern Railway (NR) is one of them. According to wikipedia article the northern railways is 6807 km long. The buzz is that …. The northern railway has launched Automatic Ticket Vending Machines, ATVMs. So next time when you plant to travel in a northern railway train aka lauh path gami – hindi for train use ATM like ATVM to get your ticket. This automatic ticketing system surely will give some relief to passengers from standing in long queues and will generate some added revenue to the railways. So it’s a win-win situation for both the consumer and the (elephant) railways. Here is little basic etiquette which if you follow other will learn related using ATVMs at different stations. 1. Northern railways has enough passenger load, kindly reach to railways platform well before time of train arrival so you won’t get in hurry for withdrawing ticket from an ATVM. 2. Be in queue, respect the fellow passenger, who ahead in the queue. 3...