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Showing posts with the label Small Business

In App or Social Media Advertising

How would you spend advertising budget and prepare for online business? Online business will be tomorrows reality. Still its in the beginning phase, often you do not go online to order a packet of milk or a chocolate till its not for an occasion. Few people do that but because of certain limitations, perhaps can't go to buy often or its too much of work. But when it matters to buy a thing people want to touch it before they sell hard money on the same. AI, VI, AR, VR all came ahead of time but these technologies are timely help in the times of pandemic, COVID 19. Ecommerce companies still not using too much of those techniques but in future they will look to go with such things that involve less human interaction and make lives better. World will be looking to count on more human independent technologies, I feel so. Online business was much like a billboard till date specially in geographies like India but now it will be a marketplace full of crowd. And certainly there would be hel...

3 Internet based business ideas for beginners

Internet has taken over everything. There is popular phrase  make money from internet while sitting.  That phrase is completely wrong, I do not agree, you need whole lot of efforts to make any business a success. Internet is a medium using which you can do business. If you looking for Internet based business here are couple of ideas. I believe you have already heard about these but if you are not pretty sure, here we go Internet Cafe If you happen to live in a town preferably not a major city Internet cafe could be one option. In major cities high end smartphones are reaching to every palm but in small places they are still a dream gadget for many. Plus in rural areas mobile internet is not very fast. Cable Internet is way better than mobile. You will get customers. Go in your nearest marketplace or search online market like amazon etc, get some second hand computers, a quality printer and ready to go. Do not invest fancy things buy second furniture, and find a place on che...