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Create and sell program with help of Guidable App

Are you an expert in something?  Have you written a book or a blog?  Perhaps you have many blog posts. Do you want to sell your skills and teach your audience? If you are an expert of something chances are you are looking to reach to more people and earn some money too. When you build a website for selling it comes with many challenges, if you want to accept online fees,  payment gateway will charge you. Building a website is costly for selling a program if you are short on budget. To help you here is an app for experts  called Guidable This app is free,  you download and Install for Android and iOS. Process is simple,  download and install apps and start creating courses.  If you already have blog posts,  paste the content in your Guidable.  Billing issues will be handled by the app itself.  You can create courses worry free. This product is listed on ProductHunt.  Read user reviews here

The 3 Cs of being successful

Everyone want to be successful. Few strives to achieve success. When I see anyone working hard, I wish,  if I could be that person. Inspirations are everywhere,  you need an eye to get inspired, learn and lead. When I feel,  stressed,  consumed or exhausted,  I go streets and get new ideas. An idea is like opium,  it gives you certain level of energy boost, you feel refreshed and can focus on doing things more responsibly. Hoever,  that is the ground work. If you are not able to achieve a thing,  if you are not able to make that sales,  if you are not able to get into steady relationships,  IT'S YOU!!! Nobody can achieve everything,  and everybody can achieve everything.  Doing anything needs loads of deep thoughts,  systematic strategy and energy to execute. If you do not execute there is no question of loss or gain.  Execution leads to learning and gains and learning comes from obstacles. Learn everyday a new thing,  read a book,  play a game,  make a friend,  watch nature

Why small business shall not count on SEO but paid campaign

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is very slow process.  If your are a business owner,  already have businesses,  and making profit, then you can hold on,  wait for couple of months to grow your business organically through search engines like Google. However,  if you are a new business and looking for immediate profit,  do not count on SEO.  It's a slow process.  Perhaps,  by the time your business grow through seo you will need to close it because of no actual results. Actual result means sales that can make more money than expenditures. If you are new in business instead of hiring seo guy I will suggest you to spend money on paid campaign like adwords,  Facebook ads etc. If you have better budget,  go hand in hand for paid advertising and seo else put money but WISELY on paid campaigns to generate some quick sales.

Hello Web Design

Want to market a product or skill in 2018? You will be unheard in absence of a website? Whether you are an Influencer or not to shall matter only when you have something to show. Gone are the times when website was a luxury, now its a necessity, everyone should own it. Are you design skilled? If you are reading this article perhaps you are not. For people and professional who want to learn website design skills Hello Website Design is a great book. Learn How To Design

Where to spend online advertising budget in 2018

Google and Facebook are now the dominant middlemen for more than 85% of all online advertising. (Source Seth Godin's Blog ) Planning to advertise your business online?  What is you daily / weekly / monthly advertising budget?  Whether you are a big corporate or small vendor putting all eggs in one single basket may be a risk to you business. You need to distribute your advertising budget wisely. Google and Facebook are two dominant online mediums,  there is everyone.  Whether you have built your tribe on these platforms or elsewhere certainly you won't like to missout on large pool of audience. So how much you will spend where? Google has more advertising streams than Facebook. Adwords without doubt is No. 1 Online Advertising Media. If you have big budget I would recommend that your should locate 50% of your advertising  budget on these two platforms and remaining 50% over other. Adwords has upper hand. Perhaps you will like to spend much on words.  Allocate 30% for adwo

Why Responsive Ads can be earning mills in 2018

More people are going mobile. Now Smarthones are used for complicated tasks like writing or even designing and recording videos and podcasts. Smartphones have touched every life, even those living below average life also carry a smartphone, not an Apple or Nexus but may be a Honor Holy or below or a smartphone from a local manufacture.