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Showing posts with the label Productivity

Ubersuggest: A free keyword suggestion tool

If you write loads of content and looking to market it now here is free tool by Neil Patel,  it's called Ubersuggest,  it's a free keyword suggestion tool. Since Google has stopped free keyword planner,  marketer were in dying need to get a free tool that can help in content marketing. Keywords are like sales person,  better sales person make bigger sales. Neil Patel is awesome with content marketing. He create minimum viable products and leaves it in users' hands for testing.  If you are a digital marketer Ubersuggest is worth trying.

Organic SEO or Paid Reach

I have e-commerce website, how do I approach clients; Organic SEO or Paid Campaign Your website is born and its a good thing. You expect more sales for obvious reasons. A website is like a child,  it cannot grow overnight.  You need to care for it for years and grow with it. Do you send a child to fight for Olympic race,  day one? No,  right.  There are many things involve before a child grow and start running on Olympic track.  Of these health is top most contributor. Same is true with your e-commerce site.  It's born now.  You need to feed it right ingredient. For a website growth and recognition organic SEO holds utmost value.  Organic SEO is all about creating right story that may give recognition to your website among audience. A website get this recognition when it's tagged in the right places where your consumers are. You have created a story,  you have tagged in right places,  eyes are rolling over it, but very less in numbers. This is when paid campaign counts.

Play for WordPress makes your blog listenable

People want to do more in less time. New content is created every second but huge portion of it goes in the drain. An HBS professor once told his class people don 't want to buy a quarter inch drill, they want a quarter inch hole'. Perhaps you create many blog posts often. WordPress is seen as luxury for publishing content. But ROI of your content is your readers. Everyone don't want to read. People love freeness.  They want to learn but do not like to get chained.  This is one reason we can see online learning is in the boom since its inception. Your goal is to teach your audience effortlessly. Make their lives easy,  send them your content in audio. If you have a WordPress blog,  download Play for WordPress Plugin Make your blog Listenable. Period!!!

How many Quora answer shall I write daily

More answers means more popularity,  RIGHT ? I would say,  WRONG! If you are asking this question I am pretty sure you are looking for lead generation using Quora. More answers certainly get more links but not more leads. People want to meet expert who can solve their problem and not someone who create noise only. Experts speak less,  they do not speak till they cannot conclude a thing superbly. Speaking is one thing but systematic speaking comes with continuous learning,  systematic experiments,  deep thought process and willing to solve a problem. Solving a problem needs loads of mind work,  without rigorous mental work out you won't give away any answers that may solve a problem. Take example of Seth Godin,  he writes one blog post a day,  in very limited words and gives lots of learning. Sir Richard Branson,  LinkedIn Influencer, writes often,  he writes his own blog and sums up things beautifully. LeoNotenboom writes how to of Windows,  system and security.  His every

How to use Whatsapp Business and increase productivity

Whatsapp business rolled out In India and many countries. If you already have Whatsapp in your phone but want to enjoy business version you need a new number for registration.  But if you want registration with same number uninstall old app and then download and install new version from the Google App Store. Check is yours whether you want to keep two different apps or just one. I gone with the second option. Once app is installed you will get a verification code on your phone.  You can verify manually or allow app do it. On the app screen on top right corner look for the three vertical dots... Click on the vertical dots... A drop down menu will appear. Go to settings Right your business name and upload photo.  Business name cannot be changed later.  Put it carefully. Next go to business setting menu.  Right a precise description so people know looking your business profile what product you have or what service you offer. Set your business hours,  email id and websites. Save

5 ways to get quality traffic on your website

Everyone wants quality,  so does you.  There is nothing wrong in seeking something good,  better or extraordinary.  What you sow is what you reap.  Quality traffic comes for quality content. What you publish shall answer a question  solve a problem or clear a doubt.  Nobody want to read you because you can write it and you are dying to make money from advertising. People read your content if it's worth and makes life easier.  Any content that solve a problem makes the way to bookmarks.  It get recommendations without asking for it.  Quality content is consumable. Here are 5 qualities of quality content 1. Its easy to understand 2. It enhance know how 3. It answers a question. 4. It has accurate facts and figures. 5. It has references to win trust. If you have all this in your content, quality traffic will come. Quality traffic is when people look in your website,  appreciate its content and press for call to action.  There is no question of quality traffic without actio

Create and sell program with help of Guidable App

Are you an expert in something?  Have you written a book or a blog?  Perhaps you have many blog posts. Do you want to sell your skills and teach your audience? If you are an expert of something chances are you are looking to reach to more people and earn some money too. When you build a website for selling it comes with many challenges, if you want to accept online fees,  payment gateway will charge you. Building a website is costly for selling a program if you are short on budget. To help you here is an app for experts  called Guidable This app is free,  you download and Install for Android and iOS. Process is simple,  download and install apps and start creating courses.  If you already have blog posts,  paste the content in your Guidable.  Billing issues will be handled by the app itself.  You can create courses worry free. This product is listed on ProductHunt.  Read user reviews here

The 3 Cs of being successful

Everyone want to be successful. Few strives to achieve success. When I see anyone working hard, I wish,  if I could be that person. Inspirations are everywhere,  you need an eye to get inspired, learn and lead. When I feel,  stressed,  consumed or exhausted,  I go streets and get new ideas. An idea is like opium,  it gives you certain level of energy boost, you feel refreshed and can focus on doing things more responsibly. Hoever,  that is the ground work. If you are not able to achieve a thing,  if you are not able to make that sales,  if you are not able to get into steady relationships,  IT'S YOU!!! Nobody can achieve everything,  and everybody can achieve everything.  Doing anything needs loads of deep thoughts,  systematic strategy and energy to execute. If you do not execute there is no question of loss or gain.  Execution leads to learning and gains and learning comes from obstacles. Learn everyday a new thing,  read a book,  play a game,  make a friend,  watch nature

Team Viewer App Review

Remote working is on the rise.  I worked for clients from Ireland,  Canada,  UK,  UAE etc.  Often my customers were generous enough and intelligent enough and provided me passwords to work. I need password when working on seo or posting on social media. For years I never required a remote desktop sharing app like TeamViewer. Couple days back I met a prospective client online from Baroda, India,  who was required my services for his eBay shop.  Customer asked me if I have TeamViewer. Because I was not having this luxury at the moment I took a 5 minute leave to download and install which was TeamViewer 13, the very latest version.  I installed the app on my phone and client given me remote access. The TeamViewer 13 for Android everyone should have to access remote computers. It has awesome neat and clean user interface.  On a scale of 10 I will give TeamViewer 13 Android app 7 points. What your thoughts do let me know in the comments below. Download TeamViewer

How I manage to achieve 16K plus page views on my blog

I blog for living. Sometime I make good money, sometime non at all. 2017 was not a good year for my writing or better I say was least productive due to various reasons. However, writing is only thing that I do, be it writing text books as ghost author or guest blogging for one of my clients or may be writing this blog or answering career questions over