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Scale up SaaS and Cloud project faster

Do you work in SaaS environment or you are Cloud developer? Productivity is something not constant but a variable. If your project need quick scale up and you don't want to hire a new team then alternative is learning. If you are into SaaS and Cloud development you already know those lines of codes and how to fix a glitch. But to scale up better and faster you may need some help. I got this course from Product Hunt Website which will help you to scale up SaaS and Cloud project. All you need to do is learning here is the link All lessons are free. Learn to Scale Up

How to brand your coaching business

Coaching institutes are one of the significant entity in business world. In India there are cities known for coaching centers like New Delhi, Kolakata, Mumbai, Kota, Trivandrum, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Chandigarh etc. List is huge. In major cities there are top banners those advertise at a very very very large scale. Then  there are mid sized those hire teachers while main boss sits behind the enclosures, then there are individuals who teach self and also hire some teachers basede on requirements. I have seen many coaching centers opening and closing gates in a few months and years. Normally common reasons cited are, students are not coming to us or we have faculty crunch or we don't have advertising budget, not making profits. If you are going to open a coaching center or already have one its simple you mean to earn money and you need head counts, you need good teacher who work for less pay, this is undeniable fact. But did you ever thought what students need, what parents expect a

Why shall I subscribe to paid email

There are many email clients. Perhaps gmail is largest email provider today. Now we don't hear any more hotmail or yahoo or rediff. Normally a Free Gmail is sufficient to fulfill small business requirements. But then too a paid email client is much better for business. A free email client is for personal use and not for business. There are many paid email clients you can count on to get a premium email service. In general all email clients provide basic features there is not too much difference. Before choosing email for business check features, match with your requirements and opt in. A business email give you a sense of authority. A subscription is your own, you pay for it and rightfully you can use it. Unlike free email client a subscription is a guarantee of service. Service provider is bounded by terms of service to provide you email services. And most importantly its professional way of doing business. It looks cool to your customer. It gives you a sense of authority. You