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Excellence vs Perfection

There is huge confusion between excellence and perfection. Both are rewarding but... Perfection has limitations, you can not make anything perfect above 100 marks. This is where either you beat the competition or get beaten. Normally both happens. Excellence is about achieving 100%. You can achieve 100 marks in a given task at that point you may argue that here I achieved full percentage. But analogy says, you have achieved it about the task and not around the task. When you strive to achieve around the task there is no upper limit. For example an student may get 100 out of 100 marks in a given examination does that mean he / she 100 perfect in all those topics around what questions were asked or as that employ that there is no one out there in the world who knows better than the student who have faced an examination. This is why governments take Essay test before selecting you for a given post. In companies awards are given to best employees do you know why? So other employees try


A-void, if we look into the word Avoid, we can break into two different words A' & Void' In life we need to avoid negative sources of energy. Irrespective of who you are, student, job goer or business person, situation arise when you need to avoid some particular people or situation. You need to create 'A Void' and the source of destruction. Often what happen is, in the process to avoid we overthink about that particular and negatives. The negative emotions that we build within our mind create much stronger association, we think more and more and do the damage. The law of physics says, negative attracts. The negative thoughts that we feed in our mind attracts that particular set of object or person. Better remedy to avoid is, assign yourself new set of responsibilities, engage with better things, better thoughts and better emotions. When you are engaged with better things there will be no space in your mind to let in negative thoughts. Avoid does not employ you

Why FAIL is so noisy

FAIL, FAIl, FAil, Fail, fail When you fail, it creates deafening noise, for a moment it feels, your failure is the only news in the universe, people talk day in and night out about your failure and slowly noise diminishes. Nobody cares how much efforts you have put in there to create that mess. You feel dejected, you feel rejected, you feel lonely, you feel ashamed. You feel like a culprit. Often in the mist of hollow noises you forget to enjoy that failure point, you forget to celebrate that milestone and forget the fact that success is always next to failure. If you won't recognize your milestone why others will. People wants fruits not trees. It is the you who dared to plant the tree give it ample time to grow. You wished for the tree not fruits and tree is there. Fruit is a by product of tree. Success is a by product of your efforts. You need to be whole tree and not only fruits. Remember only a horse rider may fell down of a horse back. There are two kind of people in th