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Is effortless good?

Back in Y ear 2000 I visited my hometown to stay over a month and study without worrying for rent. This was a rash decision. I didn't made anything fruitful for whatsoever reasons. I read somewhere a quote by Sir JRD TATA nothing worth while ever achieved without deep thought and hard work. If I look back over my life, I observe, perhaps I didn't not get everything everytime. But at times I've gotten many things effortlessly that matters most. But I miserly missed on thing, on taking care of the things, despite knowing this is most valued asset in my life. Surprisingly all those things came my way effortlessly, atleast I have not made any special efforts. No, I never taken things for granted but I did a mistake, mistake of not focusing on the things I have indeed focusing on other areas where most of the energies drained out. On the worst side, I questioned if this thing is right for me what if this turn bad next day. I didn't enjoyed the goodness today indeed fo

Get .app

Download my app from play store. Download my app on ios? Ok I will.  This era is going to change completely with the rollout of DOT APP / .app tld. Now you only need to tell download my app.... That means Your audience don't need anymore to search for app inside play store or iOS app library. World is going global, everyone need to have presence over internet. Many businesses are going there, spending thousands of dollars. But what matters is findability. If you are not findable on internet nobody will buy your product, for sure or you will loss a massive market share.  There is huge crowd of websites and web applications waiting for first customer / first lead to materialize. Information highway is hugely crowded and full of lucrative offers. Every marketer is tirelessly telling, why this product is best. Recommendations are not often turning into leads simply because there is too much noise. In such a scenario when customer is truly confused due to information o

How to transfer ownership of a Facebook Page?

Mergers and Acquisitions makes business world dynamic. The largest example to this I have seen when Marissa Mayer joined Yahoo Inc. The girl is really rocking with her excellent business strategies. Today most of the businesses have Facebook Page for company / organization. When someone acquires a business, owner also wants to get control on Facebook Page so as to take old customers along. Here is how to transfer Facebook Page ownership.