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13 Cell Phone manners your child should learn

Toy car is thing of the past. Now children demands cell phone and it’s a necessity too. Parents also can afford it. I was surprised to learn, 2 year old grandson of my sister hold the phone for almost 30 minutes; speaking only in his own language. He gave me a real laugh of the day. Children get access to cell phone as early they are able to hold a thing, and by reaching teenage they get own personal brand mobile.

Get Datally: Save Data & Money Both

Taking control of three things is extremely difficult specially to those who are habitual of grinding smartphone screen; 1. Time 2. Data and 3. Battery. Data will be costly in coming days, sooner or later, but this will happen. There shall be campaign to save data same like today there are campaign to save water, electricity and food.

DesignEvo Free Online Logo Generator Help You Quickly Design Publicity Logos

If you want to build the logo for your company, you may find a dedicated designer. If what you want to do is a personal brand or a small team logo, to be printed on the business card, then there are services like DesignEvo which provides free design tools and unlimited downloads available. DesignEvo, a completely free online logo design tool , is very simple to use. Through the combination of existing icons, text, shapes, anyone can combine a logo in minutes.

Digital Marketing Terminology

The new age advertising happens on screens; viz; laptops and mobiles. Smartphone and Internet together fulfills every wish of yours. If you are doing business you need to reach to people’s devices. Often we hear different terms related advertising on internet and sometime found ourselves naïve. To help business owners and learners I gathered digital marketing terms from different sources and put those here. Hope you readers will enjoy reading across this page and leverage your knowledge.

How to write SEO Articles

Just now I came across a question over my Facebook timeline 'how to write seo articles' I am little confused whether person is asking about SEO niche articles or articles in any niche those can boost website SEO. I feel other way round, person is asking to later. The way SEO is understood among 50% of internet population I would call it SEO clutter. Google the largest search engine tried every bit and pieces to protect internet from SEO dump, they have penalized websites for Bad SEO Links. But clutter is limitless. SEO articles are commonly taken as dump, write anything and spread it over internet to get back links which is a bad practice. Bad especially for those who count on Internet for doing business and make a living.