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Whether YouTube Messenger will stand test of the times

Instant messaging, free calling and video chats made the internet popular. People love to talk. Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL turned out internet media mougal. Whatsapp gone viral it generated sales for smartphone companies. Google Chat and Hangout did not tasted success indeed it became just another product. In the coming days more video content will be created, both private and public. Looks like Google now wants from people to spend much time on YouTube. And this is why they have added chat features. It's very basic for now. But personally I feel if more people will start using it, company will add more fun features so you don't need go outside YouTube. However, technology is still an hindrance. For majority of smartphone users multitasking is not seemless due to slow internet speed and average phone memory and processor speed. Cell phone prices are going down but purchasing of many people is not moving very fast. In such a circumstances it's not pretty easy to say if YouTube

How to stay away from toxic people in business

Business whether small, medium or large need pool of network. You need to be friend with everyone and foe with none. But in practice you need to enlarge your friendship aka client base and lessen the number of toxic people around you. No matter how hard you try, while doing business, you will meet people toxic to you. That one irritating guy could be any, an office colleague, a vendor or supplier or client. Of these a client if toxic done much damage. But you need to welcome every client. And there is no set rule to identify a negative client till you not work together. So remedy is set your rules and stick to them. Here are 5 points: 1. Listen your client what he / she want. Next ask to put his / her needs in writing. 2. Some clients shows like they are doing charity by asking you for work, they are always over demanding. Say no to such people. A polite no. 3. Tell your client clearly what you can offer and stick to it. 4. Some clients start asking extras midway of a project. S

Is effortless good?

Back in Y ear 2000 I visited my hometown to stay over a month and study without worrying for rent. This was a rash decision. I didn't made anything fruitful for whatsoever reasons. I read somewhere a quote by Sir JRD TATA nothing worth while ever achieved without deep thought and hard work. If I look back over my life, I observe, perhaps I didn't not get everything everytime. But at times I've gotten many things effortlessly that matters most. But I miserly missed on thing, on taking care of the things, despite knowing this is most valued asset in my life. Surprisingly all those things came my way effortlessly, atleast I have not made any special efforts. No, I never taken things for granted but I did a mistake, mistake of not focusing on the things I have indeed focusing on other areas where most of the energies drained out. On the worst side, I questioned if this thing is right for me what if this turn bad next day. I didn't enjoyed the goodness today indeed fo