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Who is responsible for Facebook data leak

YOU!!! If you use loads of free apps for productivity, if a phone call is too much costly for you, if buying a license always widen your eyelids more than normal, this is YOU!!! The recent Facebook-Cambridge Analytica  incident is much of your story than Facebook. The company Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Cambridge Analytica are still getting there ROI. I doubt if Facebook traffic has truly depleted. Many of us read Facebook Users' Data leak news inside Facebook, blog it and share on Facebook, so where is the company on loss??? Personal Privacy Protection is first responsibility of first person, i.e. YOU!!! .

How much money do I need to start a business

Doing business is truly great job. But starting a business need 3 resources. 1. Money 2. Mind 3. Mass Of these money is most important. But hold a minute, this article is about starting a business with no money. You have an skill and you sell it to someone for few bucks. It's not wrong. But point is, many people need your skill if you sell it to many you can get more few bucks and further more bucks.

7 Benefits of hiring robots for business

Japanese company Nomura is planning to hire more robots than humans in 2019. Perhaps you could be next. Here are 7 benefits of hiring robots. 1. Robots can work tirelessly. 2. Robots do not need parenting leaves. 3. Huge savings on free coffee and snacks. 4. They can't involve in office politics. 5. Work place harassment will be thing of the past. 6. They listen instructions and follow as advised. They never say no or put lame excuses. 7. They don't ask for raise in hourly wages. News Source