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List of Google Products for Business

Google is dominating player in Online Business Space. To build your business you need to help and that help often comes in the form of a Google Product. At times you use a Google product by chance even without knowing about it. The article you are reading right now is build with support of a Google product. To do business online whether you are a beginner or pro need access to some products. I use Google products for one reason, I can trust them for obvious reasons at least till the critical limit till I am not competing with Google directly. Being a producer in the space of education and technology space I need to caution about online safety as well. And Google products can be trusted. If you have something to do in online business space here are some products built by Google. AdMob AdSense Analytics Android Blogger Business Messages Chrome Enterprise Data Studio Google Ads Google Assistant Google Cloud Google Digital Garage Google Domains Google Enterprise Search Google Manufacturer

Automation for Online Business Branding: Good or Bad

In this universe nothing is extreme; everything is measurable in terms of numbers. Some we know, more we try to understand daily, and even more is left daily to learn. Automation i.e. Use of Technology for Business branding is near perfect. Nothing is fully perfect so is true with software programmes. Automation is completely fine to implement on your business, however, you won't fully depend on any software programme whether its free to use or premium grade. This should be adequate mix of human intelligence and artificial intelligence.  To get maximum out of artificial intelligence (ai) we need to learn it. We need to what this automation tool does and what I am looking for, whether it fits to my requirements. Whether, you are individual or a company, before using any software program must know your needs first, then check the parameters whether those offered by automatic software full your business needs. I have seen many businesses using automation with full noise then collapsin

Consume Quality Content

 How to know what is quality content? There is nothing like good quality or bad quality. Every idea is unique. If you write blog posts and articles regularly, if blogging is something of which earn money whether selling your products or advertisements then writing quality content is essential. Any content piece you have written today will be older tomorrow. Content is worth till its not on papers or screens. Once you deliver idea to the world its something less. You need to strive for better.  Better Content means better business branding and what you consume that you deliver. Learning has no short cuts. Biggest mistake every majority business does is chose short term routes. Result- Your growth is short.  Look any big companies and man behind them, you will learn the brand building was not easy. Any brand that build itself and maintain continuous efforts is never never never a result of short routes. Short routes looks easy to take but never help you in reaching the destination. And i