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Shall I moderate blog comments

Perhaps you run a blog or you planning to have one up. You want more and more comment to build some links. Right? Everyone want. But the problem begins when you leave open comment section to everyone, so anyone can come and write a comment. Normally people start spamming. This trend i have seen across all websites on Internet. So if you want to get some quality links moderate every comment. Be honest to yourself. Publish a comment if its worth else do away with it. A bad quality link or content on your site is like a parasite. Keep your blog clean of spams. Nobody likes those unwanted threads. To say a no is better than yes.

How to find a nice domain name

This article is not written for Elon Musk or Seth Godin  I am supposing you are a nice person with some necessary bad qualities and a beginner like I was sometimes back, now I am starter.... and a bad fellow... urghhh .... Are you looking to take your business online? Or you have a business and want to sell on internet and looking to make your first website. You already have a thought and may be list of very nice domain names that sound cool. Suddenly you see a competitor in Bill Gates. That's exciting. Wait a minute, before taking a very nice hot and cool domain name. You mean business and more business through internet. What is that exciting name, is it associates with you? I bet it's not. You are betting for a dot com with that honorable word in the oxford pocket dictionary. What is plan of selling, how you going to tell people that they can order for your product online? You will start telling right? First in person I suppose. And you will expect them