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Showing posts with the label Search Engine Optimization

How many of website pages are indexed in Google Search

Solopreneurs and webmasters always have tough time checking how many website pages or blog posts are indexed in Google??? It's the largest search engine available on information highway. Webmasters need to make sure every page is indexed by Google search. If you create lots of blog posts your links are indexed in Google search you can reach nowhere. Indexing is first thing that a search engine do with your page.  For definite reasons it's more than important. So you can check how many of your web pages are indexed in Google search the company has redesigned search console.  Now you can check how many website pages were indexed by Google search engine in past 16 months. Check your website index status

What Marc Guberti feels about SEO process

SEO is a big big very big thing for websites and blogs looking for overnight success. Being experienced web producer I often meet people on flooded social media sites (especially places where is everyone) asking for Cheap SEO, Budget SEO, Overnight SEO and even Black Hat SEO. One of my big customer who often rely on me for blogging is also interested in buying my SEO service, however, there is one condition, how soon I can give his site a Page Rank (PR) 3. I hope he is talking about Google Page Rank as there is no mention of it. What I understand by SEO in plain layman language is: Optimizing a Website Source Code for Search Engines to get optimum organic reach. If your source codes are not optimized, search engine won't be able to find the links and display among search results for a search query.