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Book Reviews: What I Lean From Authors and Books

Everyone should read a book, whenever he / she find time. I love reading, perhaps this is why I am here. Books taught me a lot other than anyone else. The best part of reading is, what you read today, follow tomorrow and later ask your kids to follow those principles. Books are teachers. Reading makes you awesome.

Internet is of immense help when reading comes into question. Today, you can find all forms of information over the Internet. Knowledge is truly free now but not the time of knowledge giver. An author is like a dynamo, he / she produce knowledge throughout his / her life and to produce that knowledge author need money too. Knowledge belongs to society, not its production. This is why I support both form of knowledge distribution, One: Free Like Wikipedia and Two: Paid, like Books in Paper Back, Kindle etc.

What I read or do, from that knowledge I earn my living. Often I get Book Review Request from Authors and Publishers. I feel those are the people, who like my words on this blog, on my other blogs or on my customers blogs.

I do offer both type of reviews, free and paid. Free reviews I do when I am free, when I buy a book that I like and truly read it. Paid reviews are for those authors and publishers who buy my time for reading a book. However, I do review and write the way I feel. I do not do biased reviews. Yes, if someone need to buy my time for reading a book and writing a review definitely I ask for a price. My time is costly and reviews are honest.

For Authors and Publications, I am starting #BookReview category on this blog. Entries from all are invited.

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