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6 ways Startups can build Brand value on low budget

Brand Building is not about selling more but building trust in community. It’s not only about being trusted among your customers or clients. The really trusted brands get more customers through referrals those have nothing much to do with that product or a service. Winning customers’ loyalty is one thing, but setting an example of being trusted is something that comes with loads of true efforts. People believe in your brand more when they know there are strong supporting hands behind.

Here are 5 tips to make your brand popular:

1. Offer Help: You can do this in many ways. Volunteering is one of the best acts to make your brand popular. Are you a Group of Full Stack Web Developers? Wonderful, take you to schools, meet the authorities, set a time and teach codes to children. Wear a shirt engraved your brand name or website URL. Distribute some books too, like buy ‘Mathematics Formulae Books’ paste your label on the front of the book cover. Give away to children. Take one school every weekend in your area. Words will go viral.

You also can choose to volunteer for many other causes, e.g. serve as volunteer for a blood donation camp or go to old age homes or distribute food packets to underprivileged people. Get your brand name printed on food packets. Wherever, you go, carry business cards in plenty and handover to people interested in you.

2. Answer Questions: Set a facility in your website, through which people can ask questions to you. For example you can provide an email id to send questions or contact form. Answer every question. Publish extraordinary questions and answer in your website or blog.

If you don’t know the exact solution to a problem, research about it; iff it’s really outside your reach, say Sorry and tell people, you are not expert in the said field. Tell them some reliable resource where they can find answer. If someone will ask me a computer question out of my reach, I will refer to AskLeo.Com

If your budget allows, extend your website reach, set a forum through which people can discuss problems and share solutions. Best ways to answer a forum question is: publish a related post that address the particular type of query and post the link in forum. Many people will check your answer. Please mind this will increase your website page views, but do not post clutter, if you are not interesting and informative, same will result in high bounce rate.

Don’t have a website? Go to places like Digital Point Forum / Yahoo Answers / Stack overflow, address a query, people will recognize you. Talk seriously, be impressive. Many forums do not allow putting links, for referrals you can quote website names in such places. 

3. Speak on Television / Radio: Book a show in popular television network, set a time preferably post evening. Most of the people set on couch before bed watching TV. Speak something interesting, before you say, I am Doctor ‘Toothache’. If you are not good speaking, hire one to speak for you.

Publish a Free YouTube Video too. Share it on your website home page. People are more likely to listen and watch.

Hire SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Expert to optimize your video for maximum reach. Next find a Social Media Marketer to share your video everywhere.

4. Publish News Stories: Reach to Public Relation Agencies in your area. Ask them to publish news stories for you in various newspapers. Off course, this will come for a price but within a very short span of time, people across cities will know you and your business. Newspapers are still popular mediums to begin mornings. Also get advertising space in newspapers for weekends. Do it most often. Slowly people will start recognizing your brand. 

5. Write Great Articles: Publish stories in all top digital directories. Publish as many articles as you can. Include images related article wherever allowed. In the border of the image or in the background include your company name / website.

If you are not a good writer and / or designer, look in the local directory to find one. Do not hire someone or take a service because it’s cheap. After all it’s about your brand. Seek for the experts.

6. Spend on Digital Advertising: Pay Per Click (PPC) is great for small businesses. Reach to some expert agency in Digital Media Marketing that can help you in advertising across Internet. There are many places to display your brand and in various ways. Look for budget advertising, go slow but steady. Huge line of internet businesses is out there to give you ad space in many denominations. You can advertise on internet for example through Google Adwords for as low as 1 dollar per day. Remember, more eyeballs on your business mean more customers to your brand.


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