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Nature Abuse is major reason of Global Warming

The National president of People for Animals Maneka Gandhi during her address to National Convention for Environment Conservation said that global warming is a result of nature abuse.
She feels the situation will worsen if trends continue.

Yes, Menaka Gandhi is very much right. The cutting of trees for timber, digging mines for coal, metals and minerals and killing animals for fur is continuous and day to day activity of smarter creatures of this earth, ‘the humans.’ In the process of gaining more, getting richer overnight we tend to forget the limits.

The exploitation of earth is at high across the globe and it’s dirty in the sub continent and nearby zones. The heavy changes in weather pattern, floods, tsunamis, and frequent earthquakes are indicators that there is a disturbance or imbalance on, in and at the earth. There is strict need to regularize human activity on earth and especially regarding exploitation of earth resources.

A gold digger must need to know and adhere to limits how deep he / she can dig a mine or when to stop. We need to understand how many saplings we must plant before we cut a tree. Or how many animals we must feed so we get enough number dead animals for fur. A reversal thinking and reversal process is important to balance the nature again and we all are responsible towards this.


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