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How to Write a Web Page?

This article is about How to write content for a website? The article is intended to help budding writers who wish to start career in website content writing full of energy to make presence over read write web. This article will also prove helpful to website owners who own a domain name of any kind personal, professional or business and want to showcase skills and product details on a web page.

Find Keywords

OK, so I am supposing, you are a math’s tutor; and you have a domain name too. Your reach is limited, however you wish to publish a website related your tutoring skills, like what you teach, how you teach, why your teaching skills matters and to how many students you train last season and how many achieved 100/100 marks. The purpose of your webpage is to get more students in your small classroom and you wish to tell busy parents why they should send child to your tuition class for high school Mathematics, perhaps the most crucial stage of a child’s career.

Research around Keyword

You have skills to teach mathematics. Your website is a 24 hour assistant to tell the world what you do, your expertise and skills. You live in south Delhi, say Defence Colony area. Parents looking for a tutor make search on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing to find a tutor, especially net savvy once. Think from the parents prospective, if you are one of the parents of a child looking for tutor, what you will search in a Search Engine? Tutor in Delhi, Mathematics Tutor in Delhi, High School Maths Tutor in Delhi, Class 10 Mathematics Tutor in Delhi

Or something like; Tutor in Defence Colony Delhi or Tutor Near Defence Colony Delhi or Mathematics Tutor in Near Defence Colony Delhi, High School Maths Tutor in Near Defence Colony Delhi, Class 10 Mathematics Tutor Near Defence Colony Delhi or Class 10 Algebra Tutor in Defense Colony Delhi.

Identify your customers. Most of the students and parents near your area will search for Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony Delhi or Mathematics Tutor in Defense Colony Delhi. Reason, parents are more likely to send their children to a nearest tutor, yes your expertise matters but again nearer is better when matters travel time consumption and safety issues etc.

Now take help of Keyword Tools like Google Adword Keyword Tool and identify between primary Keyword and Second Keyword. Now you know people are more likely to search for Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony Delhi or Mathematics Tutor in Defense Colony Delhi. Check these keywords in Google Keyword tool and look for a keyword which generates high traffic. Make it your primary Keyword. Suppose this Keyword is Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony Delhi. This should be your primary keyword and Article Headline something related or around it.

Study authentic resources

Now follow the next step. You are a Mathematics Tutor and already learned. Here, the purpose of this page is telling parents about your skills. However, parents also should be interested in knowing your tutoring rates per hour or per month, how many classes you provide and your infrastructure settings; class timings, locations, how many mock tests you conduct before exam and how your mathematics is better? If you are newbie for website Content Writing find other fellow tutors’ websites and study them for presentation, the way they showcase tutoring skills on a website. Mind it, odd looking websites and poor content leads to bounce back. If you are content writer and going to write a tutor website think yourself as a tutor and follow the above instructions. Ask for facts and figures to website owner before jumping into the grueling task of writing. 

Write in your own words

Take a deep breathe, starting writing, do not copy / paste the content from other websites. Respects others work. Put down your ideas in a peace of paper or notepad. Set your target how many words you need to write. Give your writing a definite flow which appeals readers. It’s the content of your website which is going to tell one parent how you are different. Write precisely about your services, skills and achievements. Give your page a solid headline like Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony New Delhi

Take Care of Facts and Figures

In content development facts and figures have utmost importance. Do little more research; you are writing about Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony New Delhi, Put a Google Map of your area on your webpage. For content if you are new to the area extract places near you from sources like Delhi Map, Google Map Search, Wikipedia etc. Ask a friend or neighbor about nearby areas. Also mention these names in your article body and in Meta description field of your article.

Write in points

Instead of writing whole length essay, write in points; however it depends on the nature of article. Here in this case, someone will land on your page searching on Google, he / she will not be interested in reading too much. Writing in points would be better.

For example-

  • Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony New Delhi
  • 5 Years teaching experience
  • Separate batches for weaker students

Make as many points as you wish after giving one or two paragraph introduction. Mind it your content should be interactive and not boring.

SEO is Important

People find a webpage searching on Google. When you make a search query, google bot displays thousands of web pages as search result. Beware search engine likes fresh content and not copy paste from here and there. Include primary, secondary and other related keyword in your content page. So that search engine finds it and site visitor hooks to it. For example in between of content when using a related keyword write it like Mathematics Tutor near Defence Colony New Delhi for CBSE Class 10th and CBSE Class 9th. This will be helpful even when someone will search for CBSE Tutor in Delhi. As these words are included in your article, possibility is that your page will appear in top of the search results. Ideally 2% to 3% keyword density considered enough from SEO prospective. Do not do keyword stuffing to please search engine. This will lead in negative ranking of your web page on search engine.

Right attractive headline, grab readers’ attention.

The Content Heading Matters to a search engine and visitor equally and so to you. Write attractive headline like CBSE Board Tutor near Defense Colony, New Delhi.

Write Effective Conclusion

In the end of the article conclude in a way so reader reminds your last words. Like 90% of result assured or join me and get trained in mathematics. Do NOT make false promises. Be true; honestly reach to logical conclusion when ending an article.

Author Bio leaves a print

Provide your small bio in the end of the page like your name, qualification and school from where you got mathematics degree.

Do Little Editing- One you finish writing the article, read it start to end. Make necessary changes in keywords, grammar, punctuations, style wherever required. Proofread article thoroughly before publishing it.

Hope this article is helpful to write a page for your website. The author of this article is professional content writer since a decade. The views expressed are authors own. If you enjoy reading this article or you have a suggestion please leave your comments.

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